Further enhance your product knowledge instore with Easy Fountain’s free energy calculator. This tool helps you put shoppers mind at ease when it comes to understanding how much electricity is used by water features – by showing them the exact cost to run.
Better yet, this tool can be embedded into your own website, free of charge! Contact your usual Sales Manager to get started.
How to use the energy calculator
The energy calculator is quick and easy to use. Choose the desired water feature from the dropdown list and add the number of hours that the product is expected to be in use. Then, click “calculate” to get a cost.
The calculation is based on £0.34 KWH rate.

Share your expertise
The energy calculator is a fantastic free tool that build rapport with shoppers and demonstrate product knowledge – you can use the tools to educate shoppers about water features and make product recommendations based on their needs.

Use on your website
Easy Fountain customers can now embed the energy calculator on their own website, giving customers a fantastic shopping experience – they can use your website to find their favourite water feature, confirm the cost to run, and even look at your open times before they make the visit to you.

To get the calculator for your website, contact your usual Sales Manager who will be happy to help.
Don’t forget, you can stay up to date with news and offers by signing up below to the newsletter and connecting with Easy Fountain on LinkedIn.
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