Did you know Easy Fountain customers can have access to free product photos and information? Perfect for use for your social media accounts, website and anything else you may be looking to create. We’ve done the hard work for you – leaving you with more time to focus on delighting shoppers!
Register for your free photo library and information through your Easy Fountain trade portal today!
Image library
We know that shoppers want to research before they purchase – it’s now easier than ever for shoppers to view products and information via your website before they head in.
Using the image library, you can promote Easy Fountain products on social media and show customers what you have available instore. From modern to distinctive, natural to accessories, you can instantly download any product photo and upload them to your own website or social media page.

Video library
Go a step further on social media and help shoppers get a real feel for their new water fountain using Easy Fountain’s video library. You can download a range of water fountain videos – which you can freely upload to your websites or social media accounts.

Product information
We know how tricky it can be to find time to get through admin – that’s why you can get instruction manuals, product descriptions and benefits, price lists and the product brochure in the trade portal. It’s quick and easy to download too – just click on the button and the download will start immediately. Easy!
Register for your free trade portal here.
Don’t forget, you can stay up to date with news and offers by signing up below to the newsletter and connecting with Apta on Linkedin.
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